Author Archives: admin

Advertiser 10

Advertiser MC 10 Position 1 This Advertiser is not activated Position 2 Position 3 Position 4 We place your Disclaimer: The amount of money stated above that you could receive, is for illustrative purposes only.  No guarantees.  Some will earn less and some will earn more depending on each individual's effort.

Advertiser 11

Advertiser MC 11 Position 1 Postcard Typesetting! Send 65 words or less, get a 4-up Master copy of a 1-sided postcard typeset with border, clip-art & graphics - $5 per card. Front side designed, add $3 Send Ad-Copy with payment to:   Pleasant  Mail Sales  1359 Chandlers Rd. * Felton * DE  19943     Position 2 No Advertiser Here Yet! Save $20 Position 3 No Advertiser Here Yet! Save $20 Position 4 No Advertiser Here Yet! Save $20 Instructions Step 1,  Send a one Continue reading →

Advertiser 12

Advertiser MC 12 Position 1 This Advertiser is not activated Position 2 Position 3 Position 4 We place your Disclaimer: The amount of money stated above that you could receive, is for illustrative purposes only.  No guarantees.  Some will earn less and some will earn more depending on each individual's effort.

Advertiser 13

Advertiser MC 13 Position 1 This Advertiser is not activated Position 2 Position 3 Position 4 We place your 40 words Disclaimer: The amount of money stated above that you could receive, is for illustrative purposes only.  No guarantees.  Some will earn less and some will earn more depending on each individual's effort.

Advertiser 14

Advertiser MC 14 Position 1 This Advertiser is not activated Position 2 No one here yet. Save Position 3 No one here yet. Save Position 4 No one here yet. Save We place your Disclaimer: The amount of money stated above that you could receive, is for illustrative purposes only.  No guarantees.  Some will earn less and some will earn more depending on each individual's effort.

Advertiser 17

Advertiser MC 17 Position 1 This advertiser is not activated Position 2 Position 3 Position 4 We place your Disclaimer: The amount of money stated above that you could receive, is for illustrative purposes only.  No guarantees.  Some will earn less and some will earn more depending on each individual's effort.

Advertiser 18

Advertiser MC 18 Position 1 This advertiser is not activated Position 2 Position 3 Position 4 We place your Disclaimer: The amount of money stated above that you could receive, is for illustrative purposes only.  No guarantees.  Some will earn less and some will earn more depending on each individual's effort.

Advertiser 19

Advertiser MC 19 Position 1 This advertiser is not activated Position 2 Position 3 Position 4 We place your Disclaimer: The amount of money stated above that you could receive, is for illustrative purposes only.  No guarantees.  Some will earn less and some will earn more depending on each individual's effort.